Zack Childress- Downsizing a home means “Making do with less”. So downsizing a home can mean either of these things
Zack Childress, a real estate investor and guru, gives tips on downsizing a home
Some renovations should be done. For example, the seller must fix a leaking roof or a leaking pipe. He must fix a broken sink or a wash basin. But as far as the cosmetic repairs are concerned, the seller needs to think about what the potential buyer will like. Some buyers will not like carpeting while others may not prefer wall paintings. In this case doing this is a put off. In some areas, the value of the land alone is most important.
In this case, any cosmetic repairs will be a waste. Sellers must research on the in-the-vogue patterns in updating a home. In recent times, buyers observe a home’s kitchen and bathroom more carefully than any other part of it. So sellers must make sure to paint the bathroom and clean the kitchen. When a seller sells a palatial house to a wealthy buyer, constructing attractive windows, fixing up centralized air conditioning, converting the kitchen into a modular one, fixing the chimney and so on will prove to be enticing to the rich prospective buyer.
It’s not just about moving into a dream house or a much smaller house. People need to ponder on the following factors before they move out
Are they emotionally ready to move out?
This article consists of 2 main tips on downsizing a home. These 2 tips are most important while downsizing.
Zack Childress is a 10 year real estate investing veteran. He invests in 7 different markets simultaneously and doesn’t need to travel all the time to these 7 markets because he invests virtually. He’s coined a system where he doesn’t put any cash or credit down for his deals and he can buy and sell the property in just 7 days. You can get more details about this no money down strategy here.